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Up time:2022-04-13 18:26
Product description

It is suitable for industrial and civil buildings, warehouses, special buildings, roofs of large-span steel structure houses, etc. However, few people use color steel tiles for household use. Now, occasionally, some people use steel tiles to make household roof tiles in order to save money, which is cheap and easy to install.

蓬溪县| 同心县| 治县。| 长泰县| 江安县| 政和县| 平乐县| 沙田区| 卓尼县| 鄯善县| 斗六市| 城步| 安图县| 富裕县| 铜梁县| 库尔勒市| 磐石市| 仙桃市| 罗定市| 宝鸡市| 微博| 琼海市| 泾源县| 宜阳县| 四会市| 那曲县| 苏尼特右旗| 油尖旺区| 吉首市| 丰宁| 定日县| 塔河县| 白沙| 平邑县| 南漳县| 治多县| 永德县| 桦南县| 余干县| 独山县| 博湖县|