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Up time:2023-04-27 16:39
Product description

Galvanized coil and galvanized sheet refers to dip steel sheet in a melted zinc tank to adhere a layer of zinc on its surface. It mainly uses the technology of continuous galvanizing process,which means put a roll of steel plate continuously into the melting zinc plating tank to make and alloy galvanized steel plate. This steel plate is also made by the technology of hot dip, which is heated to about 500℃immediately after the trough , so that it generates an alloy film of zinc and iron. This galvanized coil has good coating adhesion and weld-ability.

Zinc layer of the product is from Z20g to Z275g, thickness is 0.11-0.6mm, width is up to 1250MM


Galvanizing is a cost-effective method of rust prevention that is often used, and about half of zinc production is used in this process. Galvanized steel plate is used to prevent the surface corrosion of steel plate so that to prolong its service life. Coated with a layer of metal zinc on the surface of the steel plate is referred to as galvanized plate. 

According to the production and processing methods, it can be divided into the following categories:

1.Hot dip galvanized steel sheet. This kind of steel sheet is dipped into a melted zinc tank to adhere a layer of zinc on its surface. It mainly uses the technology of continuous galvanizing process,which means put a roll of steel plate continuously into the melting zinc plating tank to make galvanized steel plate.

2.Alloy galvanized steel sheet. This kind of steel sheet is also made by the technology of hot dip, but heated to about 500℃immediately after the trough , so that it generates an alloy film of zinc and iron. This kind of galvanized coil has good coating adhesion and weld-ability.

3.Galvanized steel sheet. This kind of galvanized steel sheet is made by electroplating and has good machinability. But the coating is thin so that the corrosion resistance is not as good as hot dip galvanized sheet;

4.Single-sided galvanized steel plate and double-sided difference galvanized steel plate. Single-sided galvanized steel plate refers to the product with only one side of galvanized. In welding, coating, rust treatment, processing and other aspects, it has better adaptability than double-sided galvanized sheet. In order to overcome the shortcomings of single galvanized sheet, another side of the galvanized sheet is also coated with a thin layer of zinc, that is, double-sided difference galvanized sheet;

Advantages of galvanized sheet: strong corrosion resistance. It can prevent the surface of steel plate from being corroded to prolong its service life. And galvanized sheet looks very clean, more beautiful, which increases its decorative effect. Its strong surface 

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